2. There are over 5000 different kinds of ladybugs worldwide.
3. A ladybug beats its wings 85 times per second when in flight.
4. The spots on a ladybug fade as it gets older.
5. Ladybugs generally live for about a year, however some species can live for up to 3 years.
6. Ladybugs are the official state insect of Delaware, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Ohio and Tennessee.
7. Ladybugs will hibernate when the temperate falls below 13 degrees Celsius.
8. Ladybugs are generally between 2-10 millimeters in length, however females are often larger in size than males.
9. Ladybugs remain in incubation for about 5-8 days, before emerging in their larvae form.
10. Depending on species, a ladybug may lay up to 2000 eggs in its lifetime.
11. Ladybugs are omnivores.
12. Ladybugs secrete a foul smelling fluid from the joints in their legs which can deter predators.
13. If a ladybug feels threatened, it may play dead.